Why did I choose to build this app?

πŸ” Am a foodie, I❀️food!
😺 Curiosity about how my daily habits affect my health.
πŸͺ² Debugging my health, bio-hacking!
πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« Difficulty personally implementing good habits without a tool for logging.
πŸš€ Passion to make tech work for us!
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» My professional experience in software building
🎨 Art and design are my serious hobbies

Discovering several things about my own health has been a long, slow, and sometimes painful journey spanning many years, resulting in acquired (quack!) knowledge. Add to that my passion for tech and building products, Log4Health was born. Believe it or not, it started as an Excel sheet with pivot tables for insights!

I consider myself an average “modern” woman originally from India, now living in a 1st world country: most relevant for this story, having access to almost unlimited food. (And yet we, the human race, have not solved world hunger – that’s a topic for another day).

My work is mainly a desk job, which brings with it the evils of inactivity. My situation is by no means unique: you probably can identify with it yourself, or know poor saps around you who are desk slaves like me.

The other thing weighing in on my story is that I simply love food. Some people eat to live, and others live to eat. I am in the latter category. A hearty shout out to us foodies! On a cautionary note, we foodies need to be extra careful not to overdo it. Oh, the cursed temptations!

The philosophy of the Log4Health app incorporates my observations and learnings. I want to make such a tool easily accessible for anyone who cares, is curious, wants to improve. The app does not push reminders or opinions at you – you will not find a prescription of what you should or should not do, eat, etc. It’s your silent buddy – use it at your own pace, and learn more about yourself and your health as you go along.

I wish you the best in your health journey and personal evolution!


Some icons in the app have been used from the Noun Project under the Creative Commons License BY 3.0, see full list of attributions here.


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